3 Weeks In – Where Am I?

The Capstone project has started off with the usual suspects: Introductions, finding out what project will be assigned, getting to know new teammates a bit, making a plan, and realizing that the schedule will need to be adjusted as we go along (because stuff happens).

Chris and Daniel; both are awesome! Both are busy like me working full time in addition to being a college student.

The Project:
We’re taking an existing project called Perro Project made for tracking tasks and velocity on a project, and turning it into an app that can do the same things, but support more than one user.

We’re using a Discord server for text and voice chat. So far, it’s worked very well. I even created a Discord server for my family to use to keep in touch, based on how well Discord is working in general.

What I’m Working on:
I’m working as the database developer on this project, so right now I’m working on getting a UML document and schema put together for the project. I’ve already created a cloud-based database server instance, and service account to use for the project. We’re using MongoDB, and I’m doing some research to learn about integration with Django and Python for the backend.

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