Choosing my project

The process of choosing my project was packed with more emotional ups and downs that I ever would have expected. After browsing through the catalog of projects, I found myself getting excited for so many of them. At first, I picked out my top 10 most preferred projects. This list was already difficult to decide at first, but when I finally saw the requirement was to choose our top 5, this decision became even harder.

My original top 10 projects were chosen based mainly on 2 factors:

  • It was an Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning project, or
  • It was a game developed in Unity, or
  • It was a mobile project

Even though I have never worked on an AI/ML project before, I have always expressed an interest to do so. After reading the project descriptions, some of them sounded like they were designed to be a great learning opportunity for someone with zero experience. The same goes for a few Unity projects.

I also took an elective at OSU in mobile app development, so I have had the chance to learn Flutter and Dart. The mobile app projects sounded like a great way to get practice and experience creating mobile apps.

To narrow my choices down to only 5, I decided that I would want to get an AI/ML project above other projects because I have always wanted to learn more about it, and perhaps pursue a specialty in this field one day.

I picked 4 of the most accessible-looking AI/ML projects from the standpoint of someone that had zero experience in these technologies. Although, I do have experience working in Python and C#.

The 5th project I chose was a fun looking mobile app idea, that behaves similarly to Uber or Toro to rent out your bicycles, called “The Bike Kollective.” I chose this in case I wasn’t chosen for an AI/ML one due to lack of experience. Essentially, I chose the one mobile project that I would want to work on the most, if I didn’t get an AI/ML project.

This whole process has been very exciting. My top project choice was chosen because it gives the opportunity to learn Unity and AI/ML using TensorFlow. I got very excited at this option. So much so, I realized that I am determined to learn Unity and TensorFlow, even if I do not chosen for one of these projects.

After some research, learning Unity and TensorFlow seemed very approachable and attainable. So, I have started my journey in learning those technologies by exploring online resources. Here’s hoping I learn fast enough to have a successful project this term.

Without further ado, my top 5 project choices for Capstone:

  • 1 – ML Breakout
  • 2 – Algorithmic Stock Market Trading Strateges
  • 3 – Fire Risk Prediction
  • 4 – Top-n Music Genre Classification Neural Network
  • 5 – The Bike Kollective


AI will be watching you 🙂
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