One Way to Improve Your Marketing Strategy – Persona!!!

Ok … I knew you might ask what is Persona, right?

Before I say anything, let’s go ahead and address three fundamental questions of “Persona” – What, Why, How.

What is Persona?

A persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. These representatives must include their own characteristics and behavior such as buying preferences and habits.  A persona is generally based on this user research and incorporates the needs, goals, and observed behavior patterns of your target audience. 

Why We Need Personas?

Personas pivotal to crafting effective email marketing campaigns. There was said in Chinese: Know the enemy, know yourself, and in every battle you will be victorious. I’m not saying you should picture your target customers as enemies, I want you to “study” them before you make a move. After you collect the imfo you need, classified them into various personas you created and made them into virtual individuals, same as some people did on social medias. Now, you will have mutiple individuals have significant personality that you can make the stretegies to approach them. A well-design personalizations cater every marketing message to the right person at the right time.

How to Develop Personas?

Personas are created through researches, surveys, and public intervires with your target audiences. This audience include a “mix of customers’ characters”, both “good” and “bad” aspects, and those outside of your contact database who might align with your target audience. You will need to collect both qualitative and quantative data to gradually shaping who are your perfect audiences and what to do to better fulfill their needs in order to create traffics or even geneate revenue to your sites. So, you might still confuse about what should include in your each persona, right? Here is some aspects you can get your hand on:


This should includes the basic details of a persona’s role, key information about where he/she work for, as well as any relevant background information, such as education, interest, title or position, daily hobbies…e.g.


While examining your target demographics, be sure to consider information about who is your audience, including gender, age range, household/ single income, and locations – where she/he live. The reason why we want to know this information is beacause individual’s buring preference can be varied from different location. It is vital for one company to define customers behaviors in a specific region.


What are the target customers’ goal? Not only inclde their own personal goal, but the purpose why they browsing on the internet? For example, the gymer who want to build a Olympic body shape might want to find quality protien powders, and if your company have such relative products. Bingo! That type of customers are the viewers you want to approach. After listing out all the goals that one individual has, your company can easily find who has the potential to becom your customer and sent them a highly targeted campaign to them.


Same as the goals aspect, if viewer has one clear goal, surely she/he will need to face some obstacles or challenges alone the way. What is her/his primary and secondly problems and how your company can help her/him to address this issues. For example, as we mention above, not only protien manufacturers can target on gym goer, the gyms themselves might also want to sell services to this individual to better achieve her/his goal in a more efficiently way.

Marketing messages

What is the core message of your campaigns that will resonate with your persona (target customers)? How should you describe your solution to your persona? Conducting the right messages directly to your personas are crucial to catch their interest and attract them to your webisite or landing pages. Trust me, you don’t want to make your customers confused and click the return bottom after they open your emails.

After you list out all the data you collect from your responders, sort them out, create as many fictional individuals as possible, classified them into different segments. In order to level who has the highest possibility to purchase your products or services. Additionally, you might have a higher chance to figure out which type of customer can be developed into a new customer segment. Also, base on what your persona tells you, you can customize the campaign or strategy for the specific type of customer you have.

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