Digital Marketing Certificate – Inbound Certified

Which certification did you complete?

The one I chose for this assignment is the “Inbound Certification ” of HubSpot Academy.

How long did it take to complete?

Since this one is not that complicated as others like social media certification and Inbound Marketing Certification, It only took me about 3 hours to walk through the lectures and another 40 minutes to complete the test. As a result, I got 94/100, which is pretty satisfied for me.

What did you like best/least?

Personally, I feel like one of the best parts for me is the process of getting this certification is some sort of “review” for part of my final exam in this class. Since most of the lectures or contents are included in the textbook we use for this semesters. And this certification’s lectures enhance my knowledge for inbound marketing, I am not going to lie, some of the content did re-educate me some content that was ambiguous for me such as the difference between “Conversion Funnel” and “Inbound Funnel” and how did that better connect to the “Flywheel cycle”. I love Hubspot made the lectures very simple and understandable for people who take the test, this is really amazing and enjoyable to walk through all the content in this certification.

Were there any disappointments or frustrations?

I wouldn’t say I encountered any disappointment or frustration during the test. I prefer to say I neglected some crucial points that were later presented in the test. For example, some of the questions need a very well-understanding of the content such as the SMART strategy of “how to set a business goal”. Every word was well-defined by the HubSpot Academy and I only understood the surface of them. As a result, some of the questions really break me in some aspects. I had to spend a few more minutes before I make the choices. Additionally, I think if they can show whether I answered the questions right or wrong, I could understand more in this field.

What did you learn?

As I stated previously, most of the content of this certification is something I have learned through the course. However, in the buyer persona section, there were some details that really amazed me. For example, tutors encourage us to create each buyer persona as different as possible, from ages to educational level or even to the financial background. If one company can create buyer personas in various aspects, it means the company has a wild range in target customers’ segments. In that case, the company has the ability to create more content that can be more specific and be more accurate when one ad been published.

Do you believe this certification program is useful for other marketers?

Indeed, I truly believe this certification has almost every surface level of Inbound marketing knowledge. In other words, if one wishes to take one step into inbound marketing, this certification will be an excellent way to start. Additionally, since inbound marketing relative to all the business in the world, I believe this certification can be the “requirement” for individual or company who desires to acquire more customers or corporate who want more impressions.

What value will this add to your resume/career?

I wouldn’t say this certification is able to add any value for my resume since as I stated above, this knowledge of this certification is the foundation of all the marketing strategies. This is more like a requirement for a marketer like me, currently, I have started another certification lectures in “Social Media Certification”, that one is more difficult and more interesting for me. I would love to finish that up within the few weeks and earn more value from it. Thank you!

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