What to do when your webpage doesn’t rank?

Wondering why your products or services are not selling as the way you expected they should be? I believe your stuff is brilliant enough and it just not caught attention as your stuff quality. Maybe it is because your webpages just don’t show on browsers’ view! This feels like you put a Lamborghini in a warehouse, how can you expect people buying your stuff if this product not having a chance to sell?

Before I start throwing a bunch of tactics to your face, let’s turn the aspect around, make yourself a browser who is looking whatever your webpages serve for. Did you find anything you missed? Alright, I know this is kind of hard to diagnose your website if you already know what to type in the search engine. Therefore, I will demonstrate some categories for you to define whether you missed anything or not.


  • URL: Words in URL receive heavy weighting in the calculation result of the search engine, make sure you put the right keywords that can maximize the relevance to reach on every target viewers on the searching result.
  • Title tags: Title tags show up at the top of a browser and the when one navigates to that page, sometimes, a great title tag can be a determining factor for viewers to decide whether they should stay or click the “back” button
  • Nich Title: Sometimes, your title keywords are fine, but most of the time, you just pick keywords that show on other webpages! For example, if you sell bespoke suits, you cannot simply put a ” bespoke suit” on your title! Add some extra texts like ” hand-made bespoke suit” or put something crazy like ” Suits that make you charming”. to differentiate your webpages to others.


  • Freshness: First, the result usually shows the latest information for the users. I am not saying that you have to make a brand new webpage every week or even days to catch attention. I am saying that you should ” update” the information that lists on the webpage to keep your webpage not only follow the trend of the world but to put your webpage back to the first page of the rank.
  • Quantity: To be honest, search engines love long length webpages based on viewers’ preferences. Viewers are more likely to find as much information as they need in one webpage, so the content length can be a crucial factor that determines your webpage can be listed on the top result of not. The data shows below from SerpIQ might give you some clues about how long does your webpage content should be.
“serpiq content length”的图片搜索结果
  • Quality: Last and also the most important thing, quality, you might wonder how it is that even possible for search engines to define your webpages has good quality or not? The answer is no, they cannot! However, search engines use serval different methods such as “uniqueness”, “keyword frequency”, “multimedia content”, and “Image optimization” to distinguish one good webpage to another (see the link to know more details)

Alright, after a quick scan of your webpages using the tips above, find anything might cause your pages to lose the abilities to show on browsers’ view? If not, congratulation my friends, you basically got everything right! Otherwise, here is one way to do now:

Diagnosis your webpages dipper through this link. I got to warn you, this is a very detailed webpage-design instruction. It might take lots of time, but the outcome can be magnificent. So…





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