React in my project

Hi everyone,

For my capstone project, I am working on a team to develop a ‘dating app’ for shelter animals. The premise is that shelters and rescue groups will make an account where they will make ‘dating profiles’ for animals available for adoption. Then, potential adopters will make an account and they will be able to set preferences about temperament, size, age, activity level, etc. about the pet they are looking for, and they will then be presented with ‘matches’ to swipe through. Initially, we are building this as a web app, but eventually want to make it multi-platform.

We are building the project with React, Flask, and MySQL as our backend. My favorite technology thus far is React. I have used it before for simpler projects, but this is my first time using it for a large project. I like the set up of React apps, with each page having its own file. I feel like this makes it easy to understand what is happening on each page. I also feel like this was a good set up for my team and the way we divvied up our web app’s pages. Each of us were assigned certain pages (for example, I was assigned the landing page, login page, and signup page), and since we are all working on our own pages, and therefore files, with React this means we are able to merge our branches with our main branch on GitHub without many merge conflicts.

I am a bit nervous for connecting my front end to our backend. We are using MySQL for our backend, and I do not have much experience with connecting front end to backend. However, I know that I will be able to figure it out with some research and some help from my teammates! Once the front end and back end is connected, all that is left is the styling. I am excited to work more on my app and I am looking forward to sharing it with you all!

All the best,


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