Previously mapped global distributions of fin whales have conflicting data around the presence these whales in equatorial regions of the globe. Edwards and colleagues used published data, including line-transect surveys, photo-ID mark recapture estimates, and other extraneous observations to study the patterns of distribution of fin whales around the world.
Edwards used ArcGIS to visualize published survey boundaries, including those that had never previously been digitized. GIS was used to define vertices and polygons which encompasses survey tracks which were overlayed on the World Cylindrical Equal Area projection. Each grid cell represented the estimated distance that a fin whale could travel each day. Maps were generated for each data collection method: density estimates, line-transect surveys, individual sightings.
This study showed the capability of GIS to incorporate several data sources into a single visual representation of fin whale distribution around the globe. Our best predictions and estimates of animal presence and distribution are supported by multiple lines of evidence over vast time frames. Edwards showed the power of ArcGIS to not only act as a data repository, but also as an effective visualization tool.
Edwards EF, Hall C, Moore TJ, et al (2015) Global distribution of fin whales B alaenoptera physalus in the post-whaling era (1980-2012): Post-whaling era fin whale distribution. Mammal Review 45:197–214.