Category: Uncategorized

  • Capstone Development Reflection

    Looking back on the past quarter and the progress my team has made in developing our mobile app I am proud and feel this has been the most rewarding experience of my OSU journey thus far. The amount of personal accountability involved in the project can be intimidating, but is what makes the experience all…

  • New Technolgies

    This semester has been especially exciting as the project we are devolving uses technologies I have never used before, Dart and Flutter. Initially I was a bit uneasy diving into a complicated existing code base using a structure and language I had never seen before, however my nervousness was soon replaced with excitement. Dart and…

  • Clean Code – What’s the Big Deal?

    When I first started my computer science journey I was, as most are, generally focused on just making code that worked, never mind how it looked. Completing project specifications was the utmost goal and everything else fell far below in priority. It wasn’t long before I started to understand why instructors cared so much about…

  • Capstone Update

    Hello again! It’s been quite a while since my last post, and as one would expect a lot has happened in regards to my capstone experience at OSU. Overall it has been a very positive experience, and I have gotten to know my group mates and mentor well and also had the chance to explore…

  • Self Introduction

    Hello and welcome to anyone reading this blog! If not yet evident from the title, this post serves as an introduction for myself, Kelson Denton, including a bit about my background and my mindset heading into my senior software engineering project at OSU. Growing up I honestly wasn’t incredibly interested in computers or how they…