Most Important Thing I’ve Learned

The most important thing that I learned in this class would be “Job Analysis: Conducting” from Week 3. This topic is important because I have been in the position where I was in a job and due to their job analysis, it wasn’t accurate or contained the right information where a worker/employee as myself had to put two and two together from experiencing and working through the job. In other words, it would’ve been nice to do accurately and specifically what the analysis of the job was. Therefore this topic gave me an understanding of what is supposed to happen when employers conduct a job analysis. I can also use what I learned to give advice or know how to properly conduct a job analysis if I get the chance to myself as an employer. 

To go into more detail, if we look at each of the steps given in the lecture on how to conduct a job analysis, it states the following 1) identify tasks performed 2) write task statements 3) rate task statements 4) determine essential KSAOs and 4) select tests to measure KSAOs. For step 1, it is especially important to know what you are looking for in the tasks that you assign to a position. Job participation allows you to clearly see if that position can be handled or if it’ll make sense to be a part of that position’s job analysis. Same with interviewing SMEs, they can easily tell you if that is actually what that position should be doing and why. With step 2, following those guidelines will definitely go a long way in helping the employees understand what tasks they are required to perform. These task statement guidelines are simple and to the point, it is based only on the job itself and not with who or how an employee should change themselves for the position. In other words, letting the teacher know she is to grade students’ homework and tests, and not “she should be welcoming and polite to all students.” That isn’t a task statement and has nothing to do with what tasks they are required to perform in that position. Applying to KSAOs are also important in terms of giving the employees a glance of what their strengths and weaknesses could be when applying for the position. Whether they can handle what the position expects of them and if they can use their skills or knowledge to perform those tasks well. 

Again, I didn’t get these specifics in the job analysis given to me from my previous employer and it made the job quite hard to like and easy for me to want to quit. I was only learning these specific tasks after already being in the position, it was changing and new every time which didn’t help. I couldn’t stay consistent and if I knew from the beginning and they had an accurate job analysis, I wouldn’t have bothered to apply.






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