
From Earth Science to Computer Science

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something–your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

— Steve Jobs

The start of my final quarter as a Post-Bacc student at OSU has begun! I’m really looking forward to this last leg and bringing together the culmination of my learning in my Capstone final project. Before diving into my project, I thought it would be great to look back on how this entire journey began.

Previously, I spent eight years working as a geologist in Houston, TX, where I analyzed core samples retrieved from oil and gas wells. I very much enjoy the field of geology and still enjoy keeping up with the science. However, I was itching to try something new and switch to a career field with more opportunities. So, a little over two years ago, I decided to explore my interest in computer science.

After much research into boot camps, online self-learning, and traditional bachelor’s programs, I finally stumbled upon OSU’s post-bacc degree. I realized this would be a perfect fit for my situation. I wanted to obtain a B.S. degree but wanted the flexibility to continue to work, attend classes asynchronously, and focus only on CS coursework instead of meeting other general education requirements. OSU checked all of these boxes and boasts a great online community of current students and alumni.

When starting the program, I continued to work full-time as a geologist, which proved very challenging. I applaud anyone that completes this program while working full-time and maintaining social relationships. Their time management skills must be insane. I eventually landed a summer internship working as a data analyst, which meant finally leaving my career as a geologist. I have continued this internship into the school year incorporating more engineer/developer roles. My goal is to sign on full-time with this company as an engineer/developer, and I hope the upcoming talks with management are successful. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

I’d like to note that during my interview and internship journey, most people were impressed by my previous career and that I returned to school. I’m grateful for those responses because initially, being an older student and starting over in a new field was a concern of mine. If anything, I’ve learned that it’s never too late to pursue a new passion or dream.

As I bring this initial post to a close, I refer to the quote as the beginning. Looking back, everything that led me to this moment seems to have just lined up perfectly. It’s not without a lot of hesitancy and scared feelings on my end, though. So, I’m really looking forward to what the future holds. I’m very excited to work on this Capstone project with other talented students, especially since not long ago, it wasn’t even the tiniest idea in my mind that I might be doing this. Cheers!

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