This week I want to discuss what the most important thing I have learned throughout this term is. In my opinion, the most important lesson was not one specific week of focus but a common theme throughout the course, which is to know yourself.
This may seem rather trivial, however, it has come up in many of our discussions and areas of focus each week. Whether we were doing personality tests, answering questions about our values, or identifying who we are, the concept of knowing yourself was always present. I think that this is so important because it really fuels the answers to each of the questions above. This is what will help you answer interview questions and make tough decisions about what jobs you would like to accept. This is something that will come up throughout any position that you are applying for or working in, which is why I think it is so important to have a good grasp of who you are.
Another thing that is important to remember is that our values, goals, and even answers to personality tests will change as we grow and learn more. This is something to keep in mind when picking new jobs, answering interviewers, and preparing for big changes. Regularly checking in with yourself will help to keep everything up to date in your own mind.
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