Reaching the Midpoint and Our Demo

This week marked the midway point for my team’s text-based adventure game project. The prior week passed by in a blur as we worked hard to get it ready for a demo – after getting the needed functionalities done or close to done, it was time to put all of the pieces together! And I am happy to report that the process was surprisingly seamless. As the writer of the script that runs the game, I was the first who got to actually run the game, and the excitement I felt at seeing it all work so well together was palpable. There is almost nothing so satisfying as seeing a well thought-out plan come together, especially after so much work!

To celebrate our success (and live up to my word), I would like to present a short playthrough video of our demo to show off most of our game’s current features. Enjoy!

A playthrough of our demo showcasing most features.

In the coming weeks, we will be adding the final touches to the game such as adding many more rooms, bringing the story together, and fully implementing save/load functionality. I am excited to dive in to the final stretch after taking a much deserved day off.

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