
End of Fall Term

It is the final week of fall term and time has really flown by. This is my tenth term at OSU and I still find myself surprised at how fast everything feels once week 9 and 10 roll around. Of course, in the earlier weeks of the term things always seem to go much slower. I guess it just goes to show how my perception of time is very subjective and heavily influenced by events happening around me. This term I won’t have much work to do for finals, which is usually very stressful, so I am excited to finish everything up and enjoy winter break.

Today the v0.0.2 Progress Report was due. I certainly made progress on the features I have been working on since the previous report, but I don’t really feel that the progress was significant enough. The past week has been very busy with family visiting for the holidays and other distractions popping up, but regardless of that, I still think I need to try and contribute more time to the project. It’s hard to make steady progress on a feature of a large application when there are so many unknown factors such as figuring out how everything will fit together. Luckily the only way to overcome those unknown factors is to keep moving forward. Worst case scenario is I spend a lot of time working on something that ends up needing to be changed or redone. Either way, I will gain experience and learn new skills.

Overall, I think cs461 has been a good course. I appreciated the manageable pacing, organization of assignments, and frequent communication with staff. Like I mentioned in a discussion post on canvas, I do wish the process for choosing what project you will spend 9 months working on was a little more in depth. It would be nice if there was slightly more detailed information on the capstone project website, but I understand the need for some vagueness and flexibility. I look forward to seeing what cs462 has to offer as well as the progress me and my team will make on our project.

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