a small about me!

Hello! My name is Kai and this is my blog for CS467 (and maybe beyond?)! I’ve started this journey 2 years ago when I picked up coding/developing as something I could put on my as resume but soon found that I really liked the process and building out software! So I signed up for classes and now finally in my last term of this program, wow.

For as long as I remember, I’ve always played games on the computer and tinkering around with the settings and continually learning more and more, so I knew this was something I would be interested in. However, I was always afraid of starting as I’ve heard the horror stories about how hard computer science was, so I didn’t pursue it in my undergrad. While most of the rumors held true, what I didn’t know was the satisfaction (and relief) that came with code that finally works after hours of debugging.

As I continue to job search, I am looking for positions in Software and/or QA Engineering. After having taken the software engineering courses (CS361/362), I have discovered that I really enjoyed the process of testing software and the value that it brings to the team and end users. I was fortunate enough to have had an internship in the past summer where I was able to gain more experience in testing software. With the courses and internship, it had solidified my interest in QA and that is where my job search will be primarily focused on, but I am always open to other roles as it gives me experience and understanding of how everything comes together.

I am quite excited for this course, as now the control returns back to us when it comes to choosing the projects, then from planning to implementing. I appreciate this structure as it requires me to think and plan more carefully with my team rather than fully relying on our professors/instructors. Hopefully I am able to meet the expectations of the project and my team, and if not, then I will have to study twice as hard so that I will!

For now, I am focusing on developing my skills by studying and practicing. I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned on this journey is that the more I know, the less I know, as this is a never ending process of learning and refining. There is always something that I can do to improve when it comes to coding, and it is what keeps me going at the end of the day.

If you have made it this far, thank you for reading and learning just a little bit about me! Hope you’ll stick around for the conclusion of this journey!






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