Hi guys! I know, you probably really missed hearing from me yesterday huh?! Well, it was a very crazy day, and by the end of it I was way too tuckered out to do an entry! Let’s take a walk down memory lane so I can tell ya about the #15MWAGTOUR so far. (yes, that is the hashtag we are required to use!)
YESTERDAY: I woke up at about 9:00am (your time this would be 7:00) and was feeling way too lazy to get out of bed after a long, hot night in a random, cheap hotel room that I stayed in alone. Oh, can’t forget to mention what I had for dinner the night before, I went to the classiest place ever… STEAK N SHAKE, which actually sounded pretty good but I was actually really disappointed with it; I would give it another try, hoping it’s just the location and staff to blame. Anyways, after showering and getting ready at my random, no name, falling apart and way overpriced hotel, it was finally time to head to the airport to meet up with Tye! At about 11:30, after nearly missing my shuttle I finally made my way into the airport and found Tye at her baggage claim. We had about 4 1/2 hours to kill so we ate some, drank some, and even watched a movie! Yep, that’s right, we watched a movie in the airport..

After a few hours passed Tye and I decided to check the weather first on our phones, then outside..
At about 4:30pm we started to finally gather together and get things like the rental cars in check, and map out our hotel. I’d like to give Matt a round of applause for his efforts to upgrade from mini vans to SUV’s, but unfortunately, the University was not up for being so classy..

Last night we checked into our hotel (Missouri Athletic Club) that smells a whole lot like cigars, changed our clothes and left for the St. Louis Cardinals game! What an experience, not only am I in a different state but I don’t know the first thing about baseball! Luckily the game was something to cross off the bucket list, and understanding major league baseball wasn’t an academic requirement.

It’s pretty late and we have a lot of stuff ahead tomorrow, I’ll be posting reflections of the day before at the end of each day. Stay tuned for more updates from just another woman in agriculture via facebook, snapchat, instagram, and this blog as I tour the midwest!
Thanks for listening!