Time to start my last quarter at OSU, finishing with my capstone project to really show what I’ve learned. I just made a group and we’ve proposed a chess game that will hopefully be approved. It’s going to have a fully fleshed out GUI that the user can use to play, rather than inputting text commands. I’ve always been curious how programs open their own window and implement a GUI, rather than just using command line text inputs and outputs like I’ve done before. Hopefully I’ll learn a lot. Every time project I’ve worked on has given me a greater appreciation for the complexity of implementing seemingly “simple” functionalities in code. End users really do take for granted how much effort goes into making devices user-friendly. I’ve got a busy few months coming up with a couple of out-of-town weddings to attend and my own wedding. So I’ll be talking with my teammates frequently to make sure we are up to date with each others’ progress and I can work ahead. My teammates are really nice and accomodating so I’m sure working with them will be fun.