Bits and Pieces

  • eureka!

    Here we are in the home stretch! I can’t believe we’re already in week 8, this quarter has absolutely flown by! At this point, my major contribution to our project is complete, and I’ve ended up pretty proud of what I’ve accomplished. In my last blog post, I talked a bit about beginning to integrate…

  • break it down now, y’all

    Well, we’re five weeks into the quarter now, and I can safely say that working on this capstone project has been both challenging and rewarding so far. The project I was assigned to is a SaaS Application for Fire Department 911 Risk Analysis. Essentially what we’re doing is creating a tool that can analyze EMS…

  • back to school

    A look back on the journey This week is the first week of classes, and what very well may be my last first week of school ever. It’s weird to think that this may be the final chapter in my academic journey, especially since I had the same thought in 2018 when I graduated college…

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