Biggest Success

Throughout this quarter there has been many obstacles to overcome. Some include time management, learning quickly and never giving up. However, the biggest success I have is doing the task. The project I was assigned to is about website security. I had many classes and courses regarding web development but nothing about security. So having this as my final project for my degree at OSU brought some pressure.

In order for me to breakthrough this obstacle, I had to research very thoroughly without any guidance. Through my schooling I had to research topics but I had a outline or a course plan that was made by someone else. For this project I had to create my own outline and plan. So there were times I had to research even further because I did not realize certain topics required other topics.

I learn so much about website security and all the different types there are. There were vulnerabilities that I would never would be an issue. Another thing I learned about my self is that I can juggle my time and work task if needed. I was able to successfully plan all of my task and finish it within the time frame I set for myself. I am really glad that I am able to part take this project because of all the things I learned and experience.

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