Job Description Importance

Job descriptions encompass the expectations a person can have when applying for a job, which ensures the person doing the hiring will choose the person that has all the necessary qualification to do the job to the highest degree. “Everything from recruitment and training to performance evaluations and compensation all stems from that document” (Tyler, 2018). Up to date job descriptions are extremely important in keeping the order within the play; having everyone know the expectations and what is required of them allows to have the organization run smoothly and fluidly.

Although unfortunately job descriptions aren’t viewed as living documents, meaning they are usually filled out/updated once a year (if that) and then set aside to gather dust. “If you don’t keep it up-to-date and you have [an employment] claim against you, that nonupdated job description can do as much damage as a good one could benefit you”; a properly up to date job descriptions cold help significantly with an employers defense (Tyler, 2018).

A question I had was “who creates the job descriptions?”. Usually everyone’s mind would automatically assume Human resources would hold this responsibility, but that could pose some difficulties. “Creating and maintaining job descriptions should involve employees, managers and HR. Each person has a role, often with overlapping responsibilities”, and having each of these three positions work together to create a job description together will minimize the amount of confusion and discrepancies. It is vital that a consensus is found between theses three parties when creating a job description because this will also allow for clear instruction be be given to employees, a common understand of what is expected, as well as attracting the desired type of employees for the position.

Tyler, K. (2018, April 11). Job worth doing: Update descriptions. SHRM. Retrieved April 19, 2022, from

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