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Exciting Updates!  November 9th, 2023

Hello again!

Now that we’re past the halfway point of Fall term, I feel so much more confident about the rest of the year ahead. My team communicates well and we’ve been able to divide work so far well according to our own strengths, which is great! I really feel that each of us brings unique skills to the table that help us to be more successful at each deliverable stage. We’re all excited about our project, which has been really nice. A good lesson for me in our work so far is that it’s easy to get carried away adding features and functionality on a project you are really interested in. Luckily, between discussions amongst ourselves and with our mentor, we’ve been able to pare things down to a really nice minimum viable product with plenty of stretch goals to keep us going if we really hit a roll with development. That’s been a great team experience for me that I’ll keep in mind for the future.

Career-wise I have some exciting news! Our fellowship cohort finally (yesterday) received the list of potential overseas internship placements for Summer 2024. As I live in South Korea, I have been doing my best to advocate for the possibility of going to Seoul for my internship (avoiding incredibly expensive travel costs that would be my responsibility). I’m happy to report that it was on the list! While it isn’t a guaranteed placement for me, the possibility now definitely exists, and I hope to get it. Otherwise, there are some nearby options in Asia that I hope to get, so we’ll see! I won’t have news regarding a tentative placement until likely mid-December, so probably not in time for an update here, but wish me luck! Summer 2023 was a domestic internship for my fellowship in Washington, DC. It was fun and an exciting learning experience, but the overseas one next year will allow me to see what my career for (at least) five years following graduation will be like. Everything I’ve heard from previous cohorts about the overseas experience has been extremely positive, so I’m getting really excited about the next adventure!

Still lots to learn in the meantime, so I’ll try to keep plenty of focus on the rest of the school year (though also happy to report that this term has been great for all of my classes so far, all A’s for now!).

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