
Hello world!

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week 3 I learned about the value of emotion When working in design. Using emotion to get a better understanding of your clients needs and wants can transform the process of your design to better suit them. Stories are a great way to show emotion And inspire ideas. The story share capture is a great way for designers to share experiences and get ideas and inspiration about designs.
This week I learned How design is a way of connecting things and ideas and can be called a design bridge. I also learned that when creating a brief allow yourself room to grow or change and don’t make it so complex. It was also nice to see how a company uses a story board so I got a better picture of how it is used.
This week I connected to the video Fashion is fuel for innovation. It is something I never thought about but so many things have been influenced and changed because of fashion from inventions to politics. I think today many pass fashion off as a fad but there are so many ways fashion is still revolutionizing the world.
This week We went deeper into Human centered design and how human connection influences design. How a nurse holding someones hand to comfort them led designers to create a single hand held device for nurses to multitask while comforting their patient. How their can be multiple designs for a chair all different but serving the same purpose of allowing someone to sit, and how fashion influences the design of the future we want to live in.
week 7

In week 7 we dive into prototyping. For me is was the process that really solidified my ideas, quite literally. I actually built my design in a small scale version and drew up concept ideas and it showed me what my final product would look like. In the shape of design we learn that a product should only work well and look nice but provide a memorable experience. Finding the balance between detail and simplicity. I related this back to a quote from week 2 shape of design chapter 2 ” do not make something unless it is necessary and useful, but if it is both don’t hesitate to make it beautiful.”

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