Jesse Curran Blog

My biggest success during this capstone course was my correct implementation of the delete functionality for CRUD, as well as creating a switch button that utilized material ui, react, and most importantly context api for state management.

Of my later success, state management was something that I previously did not interact much with and something I needed to learn. Through researching different systems, like Redux, hookstate, context API emerged as a winner helping me avoid the alternative – prop drilling.

So, I created this switch with Context API, where there was a new context that bypassed the hierarchy and saved the state of changed components, in this case it was a view only feature that stripped away certain renderings.

My other success was the correct implementation of the delete functionality of our capstone app editor. I built off of previous implementations for the save feature, correctly accessed necessary onClicked functionality, handled the refresh, and provided conditional functionality with a helper function to bring together readable and usable code for the delete functionality of our edit mosaic feature.

SWOT of the capstone course:


  • Bring together a group to achieve a common goal
  • Industry contact with real world experience


  • Not enough time to make something super sizable for capstone


  • networking with industry and peer contacts


  • potential for isolation of duties in a four person team
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