Setting up an RSS feed

First I logged in to Chrome using my ONID account. Then I added News from the options tab. I then removed all of the other news categories so I wouldn’t get confused, and added the list I saw under the instructions, because they made sense to me. I chose some different news sources, and clicked save. I then clicked on “Women in Technology” headline and went to the bottom of the page, and found the RSS link. I copied that, went to my dashboard, added RSS link from the widgets list, and pasted the copied link into it, and hit save.

I think this will be incredibly helpful in finding future articles to read for weekly posts. I am really excited that I was able to do this, and it gives me a resource that I can use! I can see that there are many articles talking about gender and technology issues, from claims that women aren’t flocking to technology to celebrating women in technology. This is going to be so helpful, I am really excited!

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