Category: Uncategorized

  • Post #04 – So Do You Have Tips?

    Hello there! It has been a while, and a lot has happened in terms of project development. My team and I are working on putting all the pieces together that we individually worked on into one large automated bitcoin trading bot! My portion of that, as previously discussed, is that I built our reinforcement model…

  • Post #02 – So How is it Going?

    Well my primary goal for this project was to gain further experience related to artificial intelligence and machine learning, and I feel that goal is definitely going to be accomplished by the end, which is awesome. So from a macro view, the project is going great because even if it doesn’t turn out exactly how…

  • Post #01 – The Project: Basics

    The project that my group is attempting to tackle within this 10 week period is a AI/ML Bitcoin Trading Bot. Knowing what the project gives you a lot of information while simultaneously giving very limited information. So yes, it is a project that utilizes AI/ML but that is like saying that a baking project utilizes…