Blog 3

Welcome to my blog. Let me start by saying that the past 3 weeks have been one of the most stressful weeks of my life and I am so glad the term is almost over. It is like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel slowly getting brighter and brighter with every day. To be perfectly honest, this was completely caused by me as I decided to take 3 different classes alongside this project. On top of that, I also have a part time job that completely drains me so safe to say I am extremely tired. One of the classes is Operating System and let me say that OS isn’t for the faint of heart, including me. However, the satisfaction that I felt when I completed Smallish with a 175/180 and then closing all of the tabs open was unimaginable. It was truly one of a kind experience that will forever shape my work ethic. On top of that, finishing all of my classes with an A in all of them truly gives me satisfaction and shows me how capable I truly am when I put my mind to something.

The project is going great and I am truly very excited to start developing. We recently got out NDA and signed it. My team and I can finally understand how to navigate through the project and our class assignment. Unfortunately, now we have to figure out a way for us to acquire the needed hardware for our project. So far, my team and I have been doing so much research but we aren’t able to experiment or develop some parts as we aren’t able to test them out. We have a meeting with our sponsor soon which should allow us to ask him all needed questions and figure out a way for us to acquire the hardware before winter break.

We finished our design and requirement documents and although we had to omit many components due to the NDA, I am still very proud of my team for finishing them both as best as possible. I can finally confidently say that we are fully ready for the development phase. However, we now have to focus on implementing an effective workflow plan that ensures each one of us has an equal amount of work and opportunities to contribute to the project. Additionally, I would like to form a workflow plan that allow each one of us to gain experience and develop in each component needed to make our project come to life.

Truth be told, I am very excited for my Co-Op but also very scared and worried. I always heard about imposter syndrome and how it affects most people when starting something new, yet I never expected it to affect me this hard. I am proud of myself for landing the Co-Op but I have doubts on do I truly deserver it? Will I be good enough? Will I be able to impress them to land a full-time job offer? Am I even qualified to code? Can I even code correctly without hand holding? So many doubts and it helps knowing that I am not the only one who has them. I am truly scared and anxious but I am ready to face them all and prove myself. I mean, they wouldn’t have picked me if I didn’t ace my interview…I am assuming. Furthermore, I will make sure to study all the tools used on the job during the break to ensure that I am as prepared as possible when I start. My main goal right now is prove myself and land a full-time job offer because I really don’t want to go through another job search (it is soul crushing). I just need to remind myself that I can do it and I am capable of anything especially after completing Smallish from Operating Systems.

The term has been hard but finally we are nearing the end and I have never been happier. I can’t wait for winter break as I have many things planned out. Firstly, my team and I are thinking about starting some development of the project during winter due to how the big and extensive the project is. However, I still plan to travel and enjoy my time during the break with my friends and family. Finally, I am starting the Co-Op in January so I would like to research many of the tools that I might use during the Co-Op so I can impress them. As I said before, I am fully aiming for the full time job offer after the Co-Op ends. I can do it.






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