Jamae Stewart -MGMT 449
Back when I was in 8th grade, my dad declined a raise because the position required him to relocate to California. He knew that moving to a new state would be hard on me, my sister, and my mother. My mom runs her own small business and preferred to stay local to where her clients and shop are. When thinking about this decision my dad was weighing the pros and cons. He gathered that the raise and moving would have a larger negative effect on his family and his life. He valued intrinsic factors such as us wanting to stay, his friends, and continuing to work with his current coworkers and managers. This was much more important than the monetary value of the raise. He ended up declining the offer, but later got promoted to his current position as a sales manager where he gets to stay local and enjoy the presence of his friends and family. My dad valued our feelings above his and cared about our decision in moving. Looking back on this situation I am glad that he decided to keep us in Oregon because if we moved I most likely would not have been able to go to Oregon State and meet all the amazing people here.
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