My love from computers started from a young age. Games like Chip’s Challenge and Carmen San Diego fascinated me for hours. That fascination only continue as I got older. I started to explore what made computers tick. I checked out programming language guides for BASIC and C++ from the library. College had different plans for me however, and I gravitated away from math and sciences to study political science at University of California, Berkeley and eventually found a job working in the casino industry.

After working in the casino industry for 6 years, I realized I still had an itch for those same problems that engrossed me growing up and I loved the satisfaction from solving a puzzle. I found that technological problems still existed in my casino career and I wanted to fix them too. Helped along by Covid-19, I decided to take the plunge and work towards earning my Computer Science degree. Oregon State’s post-baccalaureate program has really encouraged me to learn and challenge myself again, first on my own part-time and now as a full-time student.

For my capstone project, my group has chosen to do an Online Trading Card Game Maker. I mentioned games earlier as part of what got me into computers, and that passion has continued throughout my life. Pokémon cards first got me hooked in the third grade. By the time I got to middle school and on past college, Magic the Gathering has kept me engaged. Casino card games at work were no different. Honestly any type of game brings me joy, whether its a board game, computer game, or even ball game.

Now I have a chance to bring the intersection of some of my passions and pastimes together in a single project. Stay tuned for project updates and technical posts each week!