OSU Capstone: 1-month report

One of my last courses at OSU is a Capstone course. Going into the course, I knew I would be working on a team project, but had no idea what I wanted to do or what technologies I would be using. Looking through the suggested projects, I saw a few that caught my eye but nothing that really stuck out to me.

One of my classmates eventually posted that he proposed a web app that generates a custom playlist using Spotify’s API. I thought “Wow! That sounds fun!”, and immediately got in contact with him. Luckily, his proposal was approved and another classmate reached out that he wanted to join in.

Fast forward a month later and we are in the full swing stages of development. As a team, we initially came up with a project plan that included UI/UX designs as well as our project structure. In the first Sprint, I created the HTML/CSS for our login page and my teammates worked on a login authorization flow using Node.js.

For Sprint 2 (our current Sprint), I am knee-deep in the Spotify API docs and have created a couple functions in JavaScript that return recommended tracks based on a user’s top-played artists or top-played songs. The goal is to use these recommendations to generate a customized playlist for the user. My teammates are also working with the API and one of them even found a cool Spotify API wrapper that makes accessing the API a little cleaner.

So how am I feeling about our project 1-month in? Great! There are times when I feel pressure since our project is due shortly in 5 weeks; however, everyone on my team is pulling their weight and we all collaborate very well together. I feel fortunate I am able to get to work on such a fun project for my Capstone and can’t wait to show off the final product.

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