A bit about me.

Hello, my name is Jackson Van Dyke and welcome to my blog. Here I will be documenting my journey through the last year of my education at Oregon State University (OSU).

Before I get into my journey, I would like to talk a bit about myself, and what I do for fun.

Where I live (How I got here):

I currently live in Cypress, Texas which is a city a little outside of Houston. I moved down here from Jewell, Oregon back in June of 2022. The reason I moved is actually a fun story with a start that some may call odd.

I used to play an online game call Wizard 101 where the idea was to level your character and unlock new cards for your wizard by completing quests. Long story short, I met an amazing woman on the game who I ended up playing with a little while.

I decided to ask where she lived, and things took off from there. I won’t go into too many details but the in the end I moved down here to stay with her and her family.

What I enjoy:

I like playing video games and is actually one of the main reasons I started going into Computer Science. Ever since I was 12 years old all I can remember is how badly I wanted a gaming PC. I may be exaggerating a little because there are other things I remember as well, but it was definitely a highlight.’

I’m not sure if my header image gave it away but I enjoy reading and playing games revolving around the medieval period. Although there was a lot of darkness during the time, the idea of knights in shining armor has always been so cool to me. One day I would like to try larping that revolves around the medieval period and maybe even join a medieval tournament club.

I love going to the gym which may sound a little odd. I realize some people see it as a chore, but it genuinely brings me joy. Something about driving to the gym and pumping iron give me a huge adrenaline rush.

I enjoy working, yes, I know it sounds crazy, but I do. I currently work as a Software Developer for a company known as Reynolds & Reynolds and handle many programs within the billing department. Not the most exciting headline when talking about my job but what we do is extremely important. Afterall, how are we supposed to get paid without billing the customers?

Now you know a bit about me:

With all that being said, and I know not very much, I hope it gives enough to get an idea of who I am and how I started my journey. I hope that as I continue to add to this blog throughout the next couple semesters that it gives you an even better picture.

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