I learned some new knowledges on this week. I start to touch “Prototype”. I think this method is a littble abstract for me in fact. I knew that we need to map out the cousmer journeys or do the similiar things that understanding the consumer’s demand. Furthermore, I think design can make people happy, not only designer. A good design is benefitial for everyone. A good design must be surprised for people because they will have something new or different.
This week I learned a lot frm those resources. I knew that design could help a lot on medicine. Furthermore, I think design is connecting colsely to customer. Variable is very important in design.
I start to understand what is design thinking when I was doing this homework. I think design and thinking should be individuals but also connecting deeply. I realized that design thinking is relative to the each part in our life. Moreover, lots of things will be influenced by design thinking. At the same time, plenty of things will affect your design thinking!