Collaboration LSS Help Ticket Queue Management

A Lean, Clean, Help Ticket Machine

Beginning in the first week of August, 2022, Oregon State University’s College of Business, University Information Technology, and the Division of Finance & Administration unveiled a brand new learning opportunity for faculty and staff.

They brought a comprehensive, customized Lean Six Sigma Green Belt program and certification opportunity to campus for a cross-sectional group of our employees.

Lean Six Sigma is a team-focused managerial approach that seeks to improve performance by eliminating resource waste and defects via business process redesign. It combines Six Sigma process improvement methods and tools with the Lean manufacturing/Lean enterprise waste reduction philosophy.  

As part of this three-month program, teams within the class will be addressing real world university challenges with projects focused on business process redesign, which aims to eliminate waste and improve both customer and employee satisfaction.

One of those projects has the lofty goal of creating a robust, standardized IT Help Ticket Queue Management process. Team members Andre Farque (Athletics IT), Jonah Fenn (Digital Transformation, Digital Experience), John Henry (Grad School IT), and Tina Stahlstedt (ROOTs IT) are on a mission to engage with campus Subject Matter Experts and work with them to design a Help Desk Queue Management process that can be adopted by any IT Help Desk at OSU, regardless of the technology platform used.

Will your intrepid band of technophiles succeed?

Stay tuned to find out!

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