Blog Post #2

November 17, 2023

A lot of things have happened since the last blog post on October 2nd. Actually, nothing has happened. Let me explain.

The first week, my group met up with the project lead to go over what we needed to understand, what to do, and what to expect. We are to work with Google Cloud Platform with BigQuery and a massive voter file for the state of Oregon to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to accurately predict the results of local Oregon elections. The first and still the same roadblock is that GCP is behind a paywall so that will be remedied soon enough (hopefully) so we can tackle raw data for machine learning.

Later on, we met up with one of the project lead’s colleagues from a prior project who currently works for a team that has a contract with Google and Amazon. That recent meeting was eye-opening to say the least. They leverage ChatGPT to reduce thousands upon thousands of man hours to do what they need to do and hinted that we are to do the same.

Although we have had a very slow start to the capstone project, exciting things are coming and I feel like I will look back at this point and say that my life changed in some ways because of this project. I know it will.