Blog Post #2 Capstone

Hello!! Capstone has been going well but there have been several issues when it comes to the development process. This is connected directly to the Technology that we have been using as a group for the project.

What is your most favorite technology? Least favorite?

Over the term, I do not think I have been able to find a favorite technology mainly because the technology that we have been working with (unity and GitHub) has been quite troublesome and needs a lot of debugging. But if I had to pick, then Discord has been a great tool for helping us communicate and get better at using a platform that is very well designed for communication and group collaboration. So when it comes to my least favorite, it has to be Unity, mainly because of the extreme amount of subscription fees and other unnecessary costs that need to be paid before one can even begin doing anything. And then once someone has already paid these costs, it is hard to make that specific item shareable amongst the group. So me and my group members have been working on our project and we had an asset. Still, now the issue was that we couldn’t share the assets via unity version control because there was not only a fee for the amount of people that could have a seat in the version control but also the fact that it would increase in cost based on the size of the assets. Then, when we tried pushing it to Git Hub, we had issues with the files being so large that they were unable to be deployed to Git Hub. It took me alone 6 hrs to configure it but I still was unable to find a solution. These are just a few errors that we have been facing in our project, but hopefully, once we figure out this issue, it will be smooth sailing.

If you could start over, what technologies would you use instead of the ones you are using?

If I were to go back and restart, I believe that I would’ve researched more into Unreal Engine because it does have pretty good graphics and rendering capabilities. Also, it is quite famous in the gaming industry and sort of offers extensive documentation and a larger community base. If not that, then I would’ve gone with Godot Engine, which is an open-source and lightweight platform and is great for beginners. If all would’ve failed, then I would’ve gone with Blender mainly because I have a bit of experience working in Blender. I have attached a video that I made using a blender. So I would say that I would’ve researched more into the technology to figure out which one would be a better option. This is not to say that unity is completely bad but I do think that it has been hard navigating the terrains of unity without a lot of support.


Overall, this term definitely has been tougher than the last one because of the challenges that we have been facing, but I am excited to continue and see what me and my group end up creating!






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