Capstone Blog # 3

Hello!!! This is the last blog of the Fall term, and I have quite a lot of progress to report on when it comes to my project and team. So, let’s buckle up and begin!

My team’s main focus this term was finishing our research and starting the project at the end of the fall term. This plan was mainly initiated so that we could begin our coding with proper knowledge. Regarding the successes, the main ones included being able to devise a good plan. Then, we got all our requirements done so that we knew how to begin coding. Another of our successes was the great teamwork and communication we have had over the past term. It has been great that we all have communicated and respected each other’s time and completed the work assigned to us on time.

We haven’t faced any significant struggles during our project as we are all aware of what we need to work on, and we have communicated on time with each other. But if I had to pick something, it definitely would be the terms of the NDA. Even though we have learned a lot about what we can share and what we cannot share, there are still times when I begin wondering if I can share some aspects of the project because, again, this is my first time working in terms of an NDA.

Our plan for the next term is to first create a full sprint for the coding schedule and then begin finishing it in chunks to have a project by the end of the spring term. Then, when it comes to our detours, the biggest one is the Oculus and the software we might need.

This course has been a great start to understanding what it would be to work in a personal project-like environment or even what it must feel like when working in a company because most of the work includes writing documents and contextualizing our progress to present our work. This class has also helped me use my knowledge from other courses, such as Software Engineering 1 and 2, where we learned about the project cycle and what it would look like when working in a group setting. Overall, this is a great start for the course, and I look forward to the next two terms.

As we are approaching finals week, I have been feeling the stress settle in, and I believe everyone else might have also been feeling that stress. The best thing that I have learned to do in this case is to first break down all the work that one needs to do and then begin working on it and trying to get it done in the manner where you are getting the task done but also saving time. During that time, ensure you maintain your health by eating on time, taking regular breaks, and, most importantly, drinking lots of water!! Overall, I would say just making sure that you have a plan and just knowing that there are only two more weeks and we are so close that, at this point, all we have to do is push through, and we will be by the finish line.






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