Blog # 1

HELLO!!! This is really exciting! But let’s begin. My name is Ishanshi, and this is my first blog for CS 461. I am a computer science and mathematics student here at OSU. I reside in Corvallis, OR, so I follow the West Coast time zone.

A fun fact about me is that I recently attended the Grace Hopper Conference, the biggest conference for women and non-binary people in tech!! It was very exciting to see so many individuals come and support this cause and see so many companies. I think those who want to go should go because you not only create recruiter connections but also get to meet so many amazing individuals who are doing so much in the tech field to bridge the gap we currently have when it comes to representation.

At Grace Hopper, I was reminded why I wanted to be in Tech and why I wanted to look at computers and software. It was the pure enthusiasm that I felt when I talked about tech. I remember when I was a freshman in high school, I got the opportunity to be part of this tech camp that was about a week long where we created robots. Of course, the quality of the robots wasn’t the best, but they definitely were robots. That is when I started pondering about the ideas regarding the sensors and how the technology works behind each and every robot. Thus, that caused me to begin my journey in computer science.

I am currently in the process of looking for internships! It is definitely a challenge because of the job market, but I think everything should be fine in the coming months.

Some of my favorite projects that I have seen so far include anything with finance and the stock market. Mainly because I am becoming more interested in that aspect of finance and how CS and math can overlap to provide a blend for that field. There is a term called Quant and Fintech that I have recently discovered and they seem to be quiet exciting to me hopefully, I can discover something in that field in the future.

That is all for the first blog, stay tune for the new ones to come!!






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