Effective and Ineffective Interviews

I’ve been to a few interviews, and all of them were very different, I’ve been to 1 interview for a government job, 2 for hospital based jobs, and 1 for a clinical job. All of the interviews were conducted different, and all were dramatically different from each other. The government job, out of all was the most professionally organized, there were 2 board members, and 1 person taking notes for the entire process. I believe this form of interview was the best conducted, yet I didn’t like that my interview was scheduled for 8:00 yet I only got brought in for the interview at around 8:45. This in my opinion showed the unreliability and ineffectiveness in time management. I had 3 interviews that started late, and only 1 that started on time, I feel like this should be something brought up to HR and management’s attention, especially because applicants always come early to be right on time, and then have to wait 30-60 minutes until they are called in for an interview, in my opinion that is unprofessional. I was also once on a zoom interview, which I thought was very effective, yet I did think I prefer in person. The zoom interview was during Covid so options were limited, yet I prefer being in person, so people can get a better understanding of who I am, not only by my words, but my body language, as well as I can get a understanding of my possibly future managers. So if I could go back, I would tell managers to be better with time management, and if possible do in person interviews.