Hi everyone! Interviews can be stressful for a number of reasons and we will be discussing just what made some interviews that I have had effective or ineffective.
When I was interviewing to get an internship at a general contracting company, I interviewed with 4 firms and one of them I felt like I was at a disadvantage. This firm had two people interviewing me, one of them recognized the high school I went to on my resume and stated that he had also graduated from there years prior. As the interview went on, he kept asking me questions about the high school and the teachers there, this made me feel like I was at a disadvantage because I was not telling him about me and we were getting off topic, we barely even discussed the company or why I want the internship. The reason I am sharing this experience is so you can remember to try and stay on topic and sell yourself.
The best interviews that I have participated in all put me in a place where I can talk about myself, why I want the job, who I might know in the company etc. I think the most important thing you can do is show your excitement and enthusiasm about the job that you are interviewing for, employers are most likely looking for employees that are seeking the job out and are ambitious. Think about it, if you were the interviewer, you would probably be more inclined to hire the ambitious and excited candidates for the job since they will likely perform better.