The most recent interview I have had was conducted when I was interviewing for my internship position. The interview was conducted on zoom due to Covid restrictions at the time. I was interviewed by 4 different personnel all within the same hour window set aside for the interview and simply answered each of their questions one after the other. The interview was really structures and fluid, which made it easy to answer each question to the best of my ability and expand if needed. The interviewers also did an excellent job prior to the questions at the beginning of the interview with creating a repour with me and taking some of the pressure off. I do remember feeling very intimidated due to the amount of people each asking me questions and looking/listening to me as I was answering one of the other superiors. Perhaps in later interviews they could reduce the amount of people conducting the interview; allowing for a slightly more balanced interaction.
Thinking about their selection method for how they chose to give me a formal interview was completely based on my resume and reference letters. This was the same for all those who applied for this internship so the consistence of how those were chosen for the interview was very reliable. When conducting the interview, each person had a set of specific questions they wanted answered or situations they wanted my take on of how to solve or neutralize. I found all of the asked content to be completely valid and demonstrated a clear picture of what was to be expected at this internship.