February 18th, 2020
Demystifying coronavirus: Is it a pandemic and other questions answered
Ecologist Benjamin Dalziel discusses the novel coronavirus outbreak and transmission and its ramifications for all of us.
Ecologist Benjamin Dalziel discusses the novel coronavirus outbreak and transmission and its ramifications for all of us.
The findings shed new light on the early days of bees and the diversification of flowering plants.
The Learning Assistant program in the College of Science has reduced the drop-fail-withdrawal rate in several key courses by half and has become a model […]
Effective communication can be a critical tool to ensure one’s science discoveries translate to real-world breakthroughs and influence policy makers.
Integrative Biology faculty have transformed instructional strategies to improve student learning and performance in the introductory Principles of Biology courses.
The Science Professional Pursuits Program helped biology graduate Jade Sentker find her career path through 1-on-1 coaching, skill-building for job search and interview preparedness.
Taylor Robinson (’19) credits the SP3 program with teaching her practically how to be her best, most confident self in the job market.
Robert Mason, professor of integrative biology, has become a new Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
The College of Science celebrated research and administrative excellence at its 2019 Fall Faculty and Staff Awards ceremony.
Congratulations to 2019 ARCS Foundation Oregon scholars!
More progress is urgently needed to protect the ocean, OSU scientists reported at the Our Ocean Conference.
The Alexei Lubchenco Menge fellowship introduced in 2019 is opening new opportunities for biology and zoology students interested in ecology and field work.
The findings by entomologist George Poinar Jr. give a rare look at a heretofore unknown clade of invertebrates.
Ocean-based actions have greater potential to fill in gaps in climate change mitigation than previously appreciated, marine ecologist Jane Lubchenco explains in a paper published […]
Two new grants will assist marine scientists at Oregon State University to make significant progress in global ocean protection.
Biology and chemistry alumna Megan Cook receives 2019 Young Alumni Award, a tribute to her global career build spanning research, marine operations, media communication and […]
Sally Hacker helped lead a team of scientists who developed a mathematical model that predicts the evolution of the beach profile.
Marine ecologist Sarah Henkel glued acoustic tags onto 10 Dungeness crabs to learn more about their movements.
New strategies for river management are needed to maintain water supplies and avoid big crashes in populations of aquatic life.