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GRAD Lab Workshops assist STEM students find the path to graduate school

All science undergraduates are encouraged to participate in the Fall 2018 Northwest Regional GEM Getting Ready for Advanced Degrees (GRAD) Laboratory on campus Friday and Saturday, September 28-29, 2018. If you are thinking about going to graduate school to obtain your Master’s or PhD degree Ph.D.a STEM field, be sure to register for this free event. You must register to participate.

The GRAD Lab is co-sponsored by the Colleges of Science and Engineering, the OSU Graduate School, Hewlett Packard (HP), the University of Washington. The event encourages young scientists who are considering graduate engineering or science education to apply for the GEM Fellowship. Focused on the global importance of research and innovation, lifelong career benefits and real world role models, this symposium will help students envision their future as a technology leader, successfully apply for a GEM fellowship and gain admission to a STEM graduate program.

On Friday September 28, students will tour campus, visit research laboratories, hear from HP speakers and interact with graduate students. Dinner will be provided. On Saturday, September 29, registration begins at 9 a.m. outside Johnson Hall and a free continental breakfast. Lunch will be provided on Saturday.

The GRAD Lab is a fun and engaging symposium where participants, science and engineering undergraduates, will gain valuable information about the importance of graduate school and what is needed to gain admission with financial support. Speakers range from current graduate students to University faculty and senior industry executives. The activities will take place from 9 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and will include a graduate school fair and a free lunch.

Review the full schedule and REGISTER NOW!

Registering generates a prospect card in the GEM system for you, which feeds into the start of a fellowship application. We work in partnership with GEM to ensure undergraduate students get as much information as possible about the opportunities that a STEM graduate degree has to offer.

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