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Honoring a record number of science graduates

Commencement is an important milestone to mark before graduates’ transition to the next chapter of their lives. To honor the occasion, the College of Science will host science graduates and their families at an outdoor reception in their honor on Friday, June 16, 2017, from 4-5:30 p.m. on the Valley Library Quad in front of Kidder Hall.

Science faculty, staff and advisors will celebrate with the soon-to-be graduates, the next generation of scientists.

This year the College of Science will graduate a record 629 students with baccalaureate degrees, including 55 honors baccalaureates. This represents a five percent increase from last year. Biology majors lead the way with 159 graduates, followed by BioHealth Sciences majors with 119. Next are Microbiology majors with 79 graduates, Zoology has 59, Chemistry 51, Mathematics 49, Physics 24, Biochemistry and Biophysics 17 and General Science 17. 

In terms of graduate degrees, it is also a record-setting year. The College will graduate 64 master’s candidates, a 33 percent increase from last year, and 66 Ph.D. candidates, a 65 percent increase from last year. The College is proud to produce more leaders in science to address tomorrow’s most pressing problems. 

The celebration will feature a reception with a globally inspired menu, festive cupcakes and refreshing beverages. All graduates will receive a special gift from the College of Science. Any graduates who will miss this reception may pick up their gift in the dean’s office, 128 Kidder Hall on Monday, June 19, 2017.

Sastry G. Pantula, Dean of the College of Science, and Kathy Bickel, Executive Director of the OSU Alumni Association, will offer a few inspirational words to the graduates to wish them well.

The College is extremely proud of all of our graduates. It has truly been a privilege to see you shine in Science at Oregon State!

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