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Math alumni reception set for JMM 2017

The Mathematics Department will welcome alumni and friends during the 2017 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) in Atlanta at a special reception on Friday, January 6, from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis in room M102. Please join us for hors d’oeuvres and beverages and good conversation with new and old friends!

In addition to gathering friends and alumni, we will be honoring mathematics professor Tevian Dray, winner of the Deborah and Franklin Teppo Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) award honors teachers who have been widely recognized as extraordinarily successful and whose teaching effectiveness has been shown to have had influence beyond their own institutions. Please join us in congratulating, Tevian, who will receive the award at JMM 2017.

This is a great opportunity for alumni, friends and faculty to reunite and catch up. There is much good news to share!

If you aren’t attending JMM, consider attending or participating as an industry speaker or panelist next year. JMM is an excellent place to cultivate strong connections with academia and industry and to grow your professional network. One of our College’s strategic goals is to foster strong connections among academic, industry and government mathematicians and scientists.


Many faculty and graduate students in the Department of Mathematics will be presenting talks at JMM this year.

THURSDAY, January 5, room A706, Atrium Level, Marriott Marquis

MAA Session on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) I – A706, Atrium Level, Marriott Marquis

9:40 am, Is it a Function? Generalising from the Single- to Multivariable Setting, Allison Dorko*, Oregon State University

11:40 am, Student Generalizations from Finite to Infinite Dimensional Normed Spaces, Zackery Reed*, Oregon State University

1:40 pm, Supporting Instructional Change: The Raising Calculus to the Surface Project, Aaron D Wangberg*, Winona State University; Brian Fisher, Lubbock Christian University; Jason Samuels, City University of New York – BMCC; Tisha Hooks, Winona State University; Elizabeth Gire, Oregon State University

3:20 pm, Students’ Meanings of a (Potentially) Powerful Generalized Representation in a Combinatorial SettingElise Lockwood* and Zackery Reed, Oregon State University

MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by NSF Division of Undergraduate Education – Marquis Ballroom, Marquis Level, Marriott Marquis

2:00 pm, Raising Calculus to the Surface, Aaron Wangberg*, Winona State University; Jason Samuels, City University of New York – BMCC; Brian Fisher, Lubbock Christian University; Elizabeth Gire, Oregon State University; Tisha Hooks, Winona State University

FRIDAY, January 6, 2017

AMS Contributed Paper Session on Topics in Analysis II, II Techwood, Conference Level, Hyatt Regency

10:15 am, The Reconstruction of The Band-limited Functions of Polynomial Growth with minimal Oversampling, Hussain Y. Al-Hammali*, Oregon State University

AMS Special Session on Quaternions, International 8, International Level, Marriott Marquis

1:00 pm, The eigenvalue problem for quaternionic and octonionic matrices, Tevian Dray* and Corinne A. Manogue, Oregon State University

1:30 pm, Division algebra descriptions of rotation groups, with applications to physics, Corinne A. Manogue* and Tevian Dray, Oregon State University

Presentations by MAA Teaching Award Recipients – Regency Ballroom VII, Ballroom Level, Hyatt Regency

2:30 pm, The geometry of calculus, Tevian Dray*, Oregon State University  

SATURDAY, January 7, 2017

MAA Session on Discrete Mathematics in the Undergraduate Curriculum – Ideas and Innovations for Teaching I – A701, Atrium Level, Marriott Marquis

10:40 am, The Password Activity: An Instructional Tool for the Combinatorics Classroom, Zackery Kevin Reed*, Oregon State University

AMS Special Session on Inverse Problems and Multivariate Signal Analysis II – International 9, International Level, Marriott Marquis

3:00 pm, Numerical implementation of π-line reconstruction formulas in tomography, Adel Faridani*, Oregon State University

MAA Session on Discrete Mathematics in the Undergraduate Curriculum – Ideas and Innovations for Teaching II – A701, Atrium Level, Marriott Marquis

1:20 pm, How to Help Your Students Prove Combinatorial Identities, Elise Lockwood*, Oregon State University

AMS Contributed Paper Session on Combinatorics and Graph Theory IV – Greenbriar, Conference Level, Hyatt Regency

2:30 pm, Base Size Sets and Determining Sets, Joshua D Laison* and Erin M McNicholas, Willamette University; Nicole S Seaders, Oregon State University

AWM Workshop: Special Session on Number Theory II – A704, Atrium Level, Marriott Marquis

3:30 pm Generalized Legendre Curves and Quternionic Multiplication, Alyson Deines, Center for Communications Research; Jenny G. Fuselier, High Point University; Ling Long and Fang-Ting Tu*, Louisiana State University; Holly Swisher, Oregon State University

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