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SACNAS 2015: The power of diversity in STEM

Members of the OSU chapter of SACNAS attended the SACNAS 2015 National Conference in Washington, D.C., October 29-31. The chapter won the Outstanding Development and Outreach Role Model Award, and was one of 13 chapters recognized for outstanding achievements by SACNAS!

SACNAS stands for the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science. The organization is dedicated to fostering the success of Chicano/Hispanic and Native American scientists—from college students to professionals—to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in science.

To learn more about all the activities that took place, join the SACNAS conference re-cap, which is open to the OSU community, on November 17 from 5-7 pm in OSU’s Centro Cultural César Chávez, 691 SW 26th Street. 

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