So far our algorithmic trading project has been coming along nicely. There has been one problem that has plagued us since the start though… Our backtesting results from the library were not matching up with the results we were validating them against from Quantconnect Lean. We spent a lot of time fiddling with different input parameters in the functions to try and get it to line up, and could get close but not it was not quite close enough. We recently got some news from our sponsor though that the data being input to Quantconnect Lean was actually invalid. There was a truncation problem where the data from yfinance was being truncated to only 2 decimals places when it was fed into the Quantconnect Lean backtester. Obviously this is a pretty large problem as without realizing this there was no way we would get the output to line up with Quantconnect. Now that the team is aware of this though I am hopeful that we will get our data from validated in a timely manner and be prepared to implement it into our program.
Other than the aforementioned the team has been working on getting our tech stack all setup for us to begin real the heavy lifting. One of our team members is getting an AWS cloud environment set up for us to have a cloud based web application. I am daunted but exited to be doing some cloud work, as I have little to no experience with it but am looking forward to learning more about it as I know its a useful technology to be familiar with. Another team member is getting a mySQL database setup for us which will be very useful for us to store our optimized algorithms and perhaps historical stock market data as well.
I have been busy gaining familiarity with the current codebase of our project and its frontend so I can have a plan for how I want to migrate it over to React. Ideally this migration will be worth it and will allow us to have a faster more lightweight web application with a better user experience and more maintainability for the codebase.
Winter break is coming up for us so this is the last blog post for this year. Overall im pretty excited to see how our project comes along and am looking forward to continue working on it.