
Sunday 26 February

  Shuttle from OSU 1pm (via PDX)
  Shuttle from PDX (3pm?)
  Shuttle from PDX (5pm?)
5:00-7:00pm Welcome and reception in Lodge Bar.
 (Snacks Provided)

Monday 27 February

8:00am Registration, and continental breakfast
9:00am Welcome + goals
  Theme 1: Water partitioning
9:20am Stephen Good, Water partitioning grand challenge
9:40am Aleya Kaushik, The importance of sub-surface exchange in refining evapotranspiration fluxes in a semi-arid environment
10:00am Lisa Welp, In-situ observations of water vapor isotopes in near surface air over Lakes Superior and Michigan
10:20am Coffee break
11:00am Hongyan Luo, An Update on the Status of NEON Stable Isotope Data Products
11:20am Break out group assignments
12:10pm Reconvene for synthesis
12:30pm Lunch (dining room)
  Theme 2: Carbon-water synergy
1:30pm Max Berkelhammer, Ecosystem coupling of water and carbon
1:50pm Aurora Kagawa-Viviani, Differential tropical dry forest tree responses to rainfall pulses with nonnative grass invasion
2:10pm Discussion
2:30pm Coffee break
  Theme 3: Modeling and data synthesis
3:00pm Chris Still, Approaches for injecting isotope data with ecosystem challenges
3:20pm Rich Fiorella, Scaling Up Point Observations of Water Vapor Isotope Composition to Understand Regional Hydrologic Cycling
3:40pm Discussion
4:00pm Poster session
  Drinks and snacks
6:00pm Workshop dinner
7:00pm Evening lecture, discussion and desert bar
  Dave Williams – A tale of two isotopologues

Tuesday – February 28

8:00am Breakfast
  Theme 4: Collaboration and data protocols
9:00am Zhiwei Lin, Latest in Cavity Ring Spectroscopy from Picarro
9:30am Jeff Welker, Data sharing and network coordination
9:50am Francois Ritter, Dew formation prediction from in situ surface and dew point temperature measurements: A novel statistical approach
10:10am Adriana Bailey, Getting more certain about uncertainty: lessons from water vapor isotopic measurements on Mt. Washington
10:30am Coffee break
11:00am Lu Zhai, Application of a dual-isotope model in the Shark River Slough watershed: Separating increases in salinity due to saltwater intrusion from that due to evaporation
  Theme 5: Education and training
11:20am Gabe Bowen – Successes in synthesis training
11:40am Discussion
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Afternoon Hike: Multnomah Falls (weather permitting)
4:00pm Plenary discussion and synthesis with panel
5:00pm Wrap up
7:00pm Dinner
  (Possible shuttle to PDX/OSU, time TBD)

Wednesday 1 March

  Early shuttle to PDX
9:00am Synthesis writing workshop
  (All welcome)
11:00am Adjourn
  Shuttle bus to PDX (then OSU)