Project Learning and Reflection

This term has been quite a challenge regarding project delivery and development. Overall, this has been an excellent experience with my team and our project partners. I have learned a lot from myself, how I work with others, and in the discovery process of project development.

Main Challenge

One of the larger challenges I believe not only I faced, but my team faced as well was having to be dynamic with project issues and development choices with those issues. I would not have done anything vastly different with how we came across these issues. We did an excellent job handling all of them, but it was a different experience and happened how it was supposed to. The only way for us to come across these issues was to spend more time working on the project.

There were a few factors that made this a challenge, and those were deciding what we could take care of, what needed the opinion of our project partners, and the best way for the implementation. What would also come into consideration is what other things needed to be considered and what would be affected by the outcome of our decision. Again, many things tie into this, and as we would problem solve we would need to decide when things were good enough, and recognize when solutions were a little too ambitious for our MVP.

Things I would change

One thing I would change much earlier on was project workflows. However, things still went as well as they could have given the circumstances of not being completely familiar with Agile processes in practice, and having little experience with the tools we were to use. Project workflows and processes got in the way of an easy flow.

One thing that made project flow not so easy was visibility on our Jira board. Deciding how we wanted to organize epics, stories, tasks, and subtasks. Soon overcomplicated our project board. Next, our board became extremely cluttered with tasks as we were a little overzealous with creating tasks that related to school as well, leading to there being tasks on our board that were unrelated to literal project development.

Communication was excellent for the entire project, and on what we wanted to personally complete as an individual. Everyone was pretty easygoing in terms of what they wanted to complete, but there were a few instances where if someone was working on an adjacent task, it would have been faster for them to complete that task rather than someone else. This could have been solved by someone allocating tasks for someone to build our start to finish, but this was minor compared to the previous task.


These are just a couple of the things I recognized with challenges from the project and issues with our project flow. Things could have been done slightly differently on the Jira board, but we managed to make things happen regardless. Dynamic problem-solving is just part of the process and has been a rewarding part of this project experience.

I always have to mention that three of my teammates are some of the best people I have worked with, and I hope I get to work with individuals just like them in my career. I feel as if I have grown a lot as a developer, peer, and problem solver with this project. Working with project partners and my three teammates has been a rewarding experience.






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