My Fall Term

My Fall Term has been interesting as I have started a new project with completely new people, and both exciting, as there are new problems to work through. I am finding my place in the team, experiencing a new group of people and how those individuals work, and getting the opportunity to work with industry professionals who have so much knowledge to absorb.

This Course

I am halfway done with the first term of my capstone project, and it has been a learning experience. What I enjoy most about this course is that it allows us to experience what professional work will be like. Professional Software Engineering is usually the most elusive part of being a student waiting to start their career. This project gives us an insight into some of the responsibility that comes with working full-time.

My Place on My Team

I do have a year of experience as a Software Developer and I am by no means an expert, I still feel like a student, but I find that I can collaborate freely with another one of my teammates to make more overall decisive decisions about the direction the team needs to take. I am thankful for my teammate as she helps so much, and truly makes the team great. I find that I can just support her in this and collaborate with her. Our collaboration can be described best as she is the Team Lead and I am the assistant to the team lead.

How I am handling stress

This has been a tough term, getting to coordinate between a group of five people has challenges, taking Operating Systems, and finally working full time leaves me feeling exhausted at the end of the day. What is most important for me is making sure I stay active, and leaving some time to spend with my fiancee has helped maintain my mental health. I found that I was not enjoying swimming the way I usually do, so I decided to start pursuing the type of swim training that truly excites me. This change of pace and scenery helped give me another boost, and to further change things up, I started rock climbing a couple times a week, and these two things have helped boost my motivation. My best advice, do whatever it is that you love especially if it gets you moving. Do not be afraid to change things up once in a while!

Heading into Winter

The Winter term is quickly approaching in a couple months, and usually by this time I am weary of the course load to come, but with how I have been approaching my life, my motivation is up, and I usually start to feel burnt out, but I am excited to find what the Winter Term and this project have in store!






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