The goal of the program is to develop and implement cost-effective reduced-risk Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices for irrigated crops in eastern Oregon, including potatoes, onions, corn, wheat, etc.  This goal is achieved through the integration of population dynamics studies, understanding insect behavior, and implementing biological and chemical control  methods.  My extension program delivers IPM information to growers, crop consultants, field experts, and  public in general following “one to one” approach, and developing on-farm demonstration trials, presentations, trainings, workshops, and extension publications.

About rondons

Silvia Rondon is the Oregon IPM Center Director, and a Professor and Extension Entomology Specialist at Oregon State University affiliated to the Department of Crop & Soil Sciences. She received her BA and MS in Entomology from the Agraria University in Lima, Perú, and Ph.D. in Crop Sciences with a major in Entomology and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 2002, she worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Florida Horticulture Department. In Sept-2005, she joined Oregon State University. Her position included Research and Extension, and she has managed her Irrigated Agricultural Entomology Program relying on external funding coming from private, international, state, and federal grants. Her area of expertise is IPM with an emphasis on insect ecology, insect distribution, population dynamics, insect-plant interactions, biological control, insect-plant pathogens interactions, and chemical control. As director of the Oregon IPM Center since September 2022, she is working on strengthening signature programs for the center including phenology and prediction models, responses to the arrival of invasive species, and developing IPM content including biological and pesticide resistance management. She has over 125 peer-reviewed scientific and extension papers, 9 book chapters, 146 non-peer-reviewed publications, and multiple abstracts, and reports.
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