First Blog

Hello! My name is Huy and I am a student at Oregon State University. My first degree was in Finance as I love being analytical and numbers so I figured I would enjoy that career path. I still enjoy it but got interested in computer science when I was able to automate a lot of the assignments for work. I continued to dabble in other languages and found it more interesting than my current work so I pursued a career change. I wanted to see if this was for me by first applying to a community college where I learned basic programming skills in C++, which proved to be helpful in a few classes at OSU. I later found OSU and applied to move forward to obtaining a degree.

I’ve learned a lot in this program and was luckily able to find a job as an engineer at a small startup. Because it is a small company, I am able to contribute to many different engineering departments and learn more skills. I’m learning a ton at the company and can’t wait to see where this experience takes me in the future.

In my free time, besides trying to learn new technologies, some of my current interests are sports (particularly football/basketball), playing with my dog Toto (corgi), and video and board games.

I still have a lot to learn and look forward to making a noteworthy project for my resume in this course!

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