11/22/23 – Pushing through to the End of the Term!

We are entering the final stretches of this term. It has been quite an eventful few months working in a group to finish the Risk Analysis application for our client. This project has been such a beneficial learning experience that will help us understand what it is to like as a developer or engineer (if you haven’t already started working or completed an internship).

Currently, we have the framework for the user authentication process and stripe checkout working, and are currently waiting for the database to be implemented by our database team. The user authentication portion will need a non relational database to store the user information such as verified email, stripe customer ID, subscription current status, etc. The application will be using Auth0 for the user accounts so our database will not need to store any user information for the login process and will be stored within Auth0.

Also, our billing portion is handled by Stripe and we will not have to save payment information in our database as it is saved within the Stripe dashboard. This helps ensure user privacy and security as we will not have to implement any extra security measures for our database so our implementation can proceed quicker. The team has put together code to push user data in a POST request from our React front-end to our C#/.NET backend. Once the database is setup then we can actually store the info and test a GET request to see if the information is stored properly and retrievable.

Personally, I am working on getting the customer ID from Stripe using an email address to verify if a customer exists already so we don’t create duplicate customers. I have the code working and will need to implement this in the existing codebase. This is where I believe I may have trouble as I have limited C# experience and thus far I’ve only received errors when implementing the Stripe checkout for the control plane. Furthermore, I will assist the other members of the control plane team to finish the user authentication using Auth0 with the setup database.

I feel very positive thinking about what we have accomplished as it has been a slow start for the entire team but the client is quite happy with our progress. These next few weeks may be a little chaotic as our team will be finishing up the last few sprints to complete all the features we’d like to implement. Once the features are completed, my hope is that we will have a successful final video and poster presentation. We have signed an NDA but I hope I will be able to use my experience from working on the capstone project and add it to my resume/portfolio. Please stay tuned!






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